HPH: Vaccines In Short Supply For Phase 1B

Hancock Public Health is gearing up for Phase 1B of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan.

Phase 1B will include older Ohioans and school employees.

The timeline for Phase 1B will be as follows:

-Week of Jan. 18: Ohioans 80 years of age and older.
-Week of Jan. 25: Ohioans 75 years of age and older; those with severe congenital or developmental disorders.
-Week of Feb. 1: Ohioans 70 years of age and older; employees of K12 schools that wish to remain or return to in-person or hybrid models.
-Week of Feb. 8: Ohioans 65 years of age and older.

Hancock Public Health says it is planning several vaccination clinics for the following weeks working in conjunction with Blanchard Valley Hospital and 50 North.

The vaccine will be administered by appointment only.

Health officials say they have had more than 1,400 people pre-register in the 80 and older age group.

However, for the first week of Phase 1B, the county will only be receiving 500 doses of the vaccine.

“While we understand many are eager to receive the vaccine, patience will be necessary while demand for the vaccine remains higher than the available supply.”

Anyone in Phase 1B that has not pre-registered and is interested in receiving a vaccine must pre-register in advance by visiting www.hancockph.com and completing the “Hancock County Tier 1A & 1B COVID-19 Vaccine PreRegistration” form located at the top of the page.

People in Phase 1B without online access may also call 50 North at 419-423-8496 or HPH at 419-424- 7105 to be registered by phone.

The two Kroger stores in Findlay will also be offering the vaccine for 1B individuals.

All COVID-19 vaccines will require an appointment via www.kroger.com/ohiocovidvaccine or by calling 866-211-5320.

Appointments will be open once vaccines are received next week.

People who have pre-registered will be contacted to schedule their vaccination as appointments become available.

(Below is video from December when EMS personnel in Hancock County started receiving the vaccine and we spoke with Health Commissioner Karim Baroudi)


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