Hancock Public Health COVID Vaccine Clinic Postponed

The Hancock Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic that was scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th has been postponed due to the winter storm.

The new date will be Tuesday, February 23rd.

Anyone who had an appointment and is unable to make the new date should call 419-424-7441.

Blanchard Valley Health System also postponed its vaccine clinic for Tuesday.

Hancock Public Health posted the following update on how the vaccination process is going on its social media on Monday.

We know many of our residents are anxious to receive the vaccine and we are working in collaboration Blanchard Valley Health System to distribute the vaccines we receive each week for Hancock County. Here is an example of what you can expect if you receive your vaccine at Blanchard Valley Health System. Due to shortages in the number of vaccines we are receiving, we are currently scheduling individuals age 70+for their first dose. Please preregister at www.hancockph.com and we will contact you when appointments are available.


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