MPLX Subsidiary Completes Pipeline Project In The Region
6/28/17 – 5:09 A.M.
Findlay-based MPLX has finished a 50-mile pipeline project through our area. The Courier reports Marathon Pipe Line, a subsidiary of MPLX, recently finished testing the line that runs from Lima to Harpster in Wyandot County. The company tested it with water under high pressure. Inspectors also x-rayed welds and checked for dents or corrosion.
The pipeline is part of a network of pipes moving products from the Utica shale in eastern Ohio to refineries in the Midwest and Canada. Operators will control it from MPLX in Findlay.
MPLX says it took 450 contractors more than one million man-hours to construct the pipeline. The project came in on time and under budget.
MORE: The Courier